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Ndibai Community Update

Water The community has spearheaded the digging, trenching and laying of pipes for distribution of water further to the community members. Ndibai community created an

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Monarch Community Update

This update is straight from our 410 Bridge Haitian Staff. Project / Programs Currently Running: Sponsorship program Water project Savings and Credit Ministry BST program

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Maniche Community Update

This community update is straight from our 410 Bridge Staff in Haiti Project / Programs Currently Running: Water project   Sponsorship program   Goat project   Economic development   Cow project

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Piatre Community Update

This is a Piatre community report straight from our Haitian Staff… Project / Programs Currently Running:  Savings and credit ministry  Sponsorship program  Training on sustainable

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Morency Community Update

This is an update on Morency, Haiti, straight from our Haitian staff… Projects / Programs Currently Running: Water project Sponsorship program Goat project Economic development

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Cercady Community Update

This is a community update straight from our staff in Haiti! Project / Programs Currently Running: Water project Sponsorship program Hope Savings Group Discovery kids

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Camp Mary Community Update

This is an update straight from our Haiti staff. Project / Programs Currently Running: Sponsorship program  Hope Savings Group  Water Project  Build training for pastors 

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