Cercady Community Update

This is a community update straight from our staff in Haiti!

Project / Programs Currently Running:

  • Water project
  • Sponsorship program
  • Hope Savings Group
  • Discovery kids
  • U.S Team Visit
  • Demonstration Garden
  • Training for the teachers

Latest update for the community as a whole:

  • The water project in Cercady community is still very successful. The people from this community still testify about this drinking water system that water mission implemented in this community. They said that years ago, there were so many kids who used to get sick from the water due to being unsafe but because of the water system and access to safe drinking water, many children are not becoming sick.
  • Sponsorship program: This program continues to progress in the community with the 3 network schools that have partnership with the 410 Bridge. The sponsorship program started to be more successful because of different activities and training that the teachers have received.
  • The Discovery Kids program has had a very good impact in the network school because through this program, the kids have a better way to learn and play games and work together. It is so amazing to see how this program has impacted many children. The teachers from different network schools have been trained to increase their knowledge on how to teach their students. It was awesome to see how they were motivated for that training.
  • Hope Savings Group: This committee is still growing step by step in the community. Many churches from that community appreciate this program because it allows the saving and credit group members to grow in relationship. This program also gives them the possibility to get loans from the saving and credit group members to make informal business proposals and ability to take care of their family. There are 346 saving and credit group members and they are divided in to 26 groups.
  • April 2019, we had a US team visit the community and spent a week in the community. They organized many activities such as: plowing the land with oxen. It was a great time for the US team because it was their first time experiencing something like that. They also had a chance to play with the children and did home visits and prayed over the community.
Applying the knowledge of Foundations for Farming.
  • The Farmers and the LC have been trained on how to grow vegetable crops and how they can improve their land by incorporating compost to help the land to be healthy and have a better profit. One of the LC members gave a piece of land as a demonstration plot to practice on. They have already planted corn and peanuts on this land and after harvesting those crops they will plant vegetable crops.
  • This year that community spent 7 months without rainfall. The LC had asked for prayer and praise to the Lord, the rain finally came so their crops started growing very well.

Biggest challenge community is facing if any?

  • The biggest challenge in the community is the health care problem. This is because in this community the population do not have access to a health care center. The LC really want to have a hospital or a clinic center in the community where people can get first care whenever they are sick.

Story of a beneficiary with quote:

  • Yfonise Souffrance, expressed her joy to work with children. It was a pleasure to work with the kids in her community. She testified, “Working with the kids always brings joy to my heart. Because it is preparation for the next generations to come. I really appreciate how 410 Bridge has created many different programs in the community. These programs do not only bring me joy but also helps me by improving my knowledge about how to work in a better way with kids.”

How can we be praying for the community?

The community would like you to help him in prayer for:

  • Their work with God, so that they can have more relationship with him
  • Peace and wisdom for the Haitian government
  • The Leadership council and different project planned to be done in the community

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