Our Stories

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World Water Day!

Endana Celebration from The 410 Bridge on Vimeo. Make a difference today in honor of World Water Day! Go to our website and help us

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The DRIVE experience!

We were so excited to participate in the DRIVE Conference at NorthPoint Community Church last night as they encourage and inspire thousands of church leaders.

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Passports in Hand!

The 2013 Daraja Children’s Choir of Africa have passports in hand and are eagerly awaiting their visas. Please be praying for this precious group of

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Paying for Harvard…

Calling all sponsors!! We have an amazing opportunity to assist our children in Kenya in making it to High school. This year, we had over

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Goats for ‘Goto!

We’ve been partnering with 410 Bridge in Karogoto, Kenya since 2007. It’s been thrilling to come alongside the leaders in that community and help them

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153 Heroes!

GREAT NEWS! The results for Kenya’s national 8th grade exam has come out and all of our communities have been doing PHENOMENAL. The average test

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Shirts and Kenya

Yesterday, we told you about Ragan – one of our former Daraja Choir interns– and her amazing attitude of faith and generosity as she struggles

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