Calling All Angels…


Whenever possible we really try to communicate and emphasize the positive aspects of what’s happening in 410 Bridge communities.  Seeing God at work…  hope…  opportunity…  self development.  Not always, of course, but most of the time.  This blog post is not one of those times, so I’m struggling a bit in writing it.

Talk to us about our ministry model in Kenya and you’ll quickly realize that we make no apologies for who we are and what we do…   The 410 Bridge is not a relief organization.  We’re all about development and we measure our success not by what we do, but by what communities do for themselves.

The reality, however, is that children are dependent.  [I’m fairly certain that’s why they call them “dependents” on tax returns…]  Children rely on others – their families, schools, and communities – for their survival because they simply can’t always “do for themselves.”

The other current reality is that the drought in Kenya is having a devastating impact on these kids.  Schools are beginning to close in several 410 Bridge communities for lack of food.  If it doesn’t rain in October (short rainy season), things will quickly get worse.  That’s hard to imagine, but true.

The good news is that we have a plan…  but we need some of you to help.

Over the past year or so we’ve piloted programs that improve the quality of education in Primary and Secondary schools.  The programs are meant to improve the quality of education in every school, in every 410 Bridge community.  No small task…  but thanks to a lot of hard work and the help of our child sponsorship partner BrightPoint for Children, it’s working.
A really important component in every one of these schools is a feeding program.  This allows every child in school to get at least one basic meal every day.  Without these programs, many of the children would go hungry or not attend school because they’re put to work to raise enough money for their daily meal.

So here’s where we need help…  we have about 300 kids that need sponsors.  By sponsoring a child, you will be blessed with a relationship and connection to a child in Kenya.  Letters… photos…  love and relationship that can’t be explained.  Just ask any sponsor.  You’ll also be helping to improve the quality of education for an entire school which goes beyond just the one child you sponsor.  You can help impact the entire school!

We normally don’t make such a direct appeal like this, but the reality is the reality…  no rain = no food.  No food = no school.  We created these primary school programs with BrightPoint to alleviate the hunger many of the children face everyday when they go to school, and all we need now are sponsors to make the programs work.

If you feel led to help, we’d appreciate it.  You can visit BrightPoint for Children‘s website to see all the children that are ready to be sponsored.  Here are some links for specific primary school programs that really need help…

Ngaamba West Uvunye Primary School

Kandaria Akado Primary School

Kandaria Sigoti Primary School

Segera Uaso Nyiro Primary School

Segera Endana Primary School

Other programs will be coming online over the next 30-60 days.  So stay tuned…

If you’re a currently sponsor a BrightPoint child, thanks a lot!

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