Sponsor A


one size does not fit all

When you invest in a child’s life through 410 Bridge, you support programs that cater to their specific community’s unique set of barriers. 

Do You See Me?

With hundreds of children around the world, we need passionate sponsors looking to make a real difference in a child’s life! 

For only $39 a month, we will connect you directly with a child living in a 410 Bridge community. 

How Does Our Child Sponsorship Program Work?

Click HERE to find a boy or girl to sponsor from Kenya or Guatemala, Sign up to become their sponsor for only $39 a month. 

This gift, not only impacts the child, but also the community as a whole.  What a blessing!

Our students are always excited and encouraged when they receive letters and photos from their sponsors!

We ask that you also pray for your child, their family, and their community. Your child will know your name, pray for you, and treasure the letters and pictures they receive. 

They feel encouraged by being sponsored and their life path will be different because of your generosity and relationship with them. 

Login to your Sponsor Portal HERE to view your letters.

Your sponsorship will guarantee that the child you sponsor is enrolled in school and has access to a quality education. It also addresses your sponsored child’s physical needs, through health monitoring and feeding programs when needed.

Most importantly, your sponsorship gives your child the opportunity to learn about Jesus and be encouraged through our discipleship programming.

Our model is holistic. Your decision to sponsor one child creates a ripple effect by raising the quality of education for all children in the community.

Your donations are used to address direct barriers to education, for example: school fees, textbooks, desks, school supplies, and school uniforms. Indirect barriers, like lack of access to safe water or a health clinic, are also addressed. 

Sponsorship funding also improves the quality of education your sponsor child is receiving, through programs like teacher training.

Each community we serve has unique strengths and challenges, so we customize sponsorship programming in each location.

Sponsors can login to their own sponsorship portal HERE. There they can easily view their sponsor child’s letters, update your payment information, and more. 

Learn About Our Special Needs Program in Guatemala:

We developed the special needs sponsorship program in Guatemala with one goal: 

To improve the quality of life for children with special needs and their families.

  1. Transportation: There is an excellent special needs facility near the communities, but parents cannot afford the transportation for their child.
  2. Household Income: Therapy sessions for special needs children are available through the special needs facility, but many parents cannot afford them.

Community members volunteered to transport the children to and from the special needs facility. Sponsorship funds will compensate drivers.

All sponsored children with special needs will receive weekly sessions from a qualified therapist at the special needs facility.

While all parents in our Western Highlands communities will benefit from the ongoing 410 Bridge programs (i.e. economic development programs to empower families to increase household income), parents of children with special needs require additional support.

Additional proceeds from monthly sponsorships are used to:

  • Provide wheelchairs as necessary
  • Equip homes with additional mobility equipment
  • Offer emotional support for family members

Learn More From Our Blogs Below!


Back-to-School Support: Empowering Scholars Around the World

The start of a new school year is always a mix of excitement and challenge. For parents, it means getting everything ready—purchasing school supplies, organizing schedules, and ensuring their children are prepared to learn and grow. It’s a hectic time, filled with trips to the store, labeling supplies, and making sure everything is just right.

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My Adventures in Kenya

Despite the living conditions (some families had lack of water access, no electricity, no transportation, living in a one or two room home made from mud, sticks, and metal), they always had a smile on their face and welcomed us into their homes with a homemade meal. Regardless of their living conditions, they were just thankful for what God had provided.

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