My Journey to Kahuria

By: Marissa Martinez

I’ve always asked “Why is Kenya so different?”  “What makes it so special?” 

Being a part of a Global Missions team, I have had the opportunity to help send teams to Kenya but never experience it myself.  The teams always came back bonded and something was different. 

This past April 2024 I went myself and finally have an answer.  Kenya and the people of Kahuria are so special because they pour our God’s love onto you and show you what it is to be seen and loved by the Father. 

From their hospitality, to their unwavering faith, to the compassion and resilience of their community, Kahuria is a phenomenon that can only be explained by the goodness of a Heavenly Father who loves, cares and provides at every turn.  

At every moment, I was welcomed and loved and taught about how it is community that keeps a body of believers moving towards the flourishing of families and the thriving of individuals. 

I heard stories of God’s faithfulness in healing, providing and sustaining.  I heard about savings groups where everything that is made and collected goes to a need in the community and is saved for the Glory of God.  I heard sermons from Pastors that are still with me to this very moment and that I will carry forward in my job and in my life.  

I experienced the secondary students who had dreams of becoming cardiologist, pilots and doctors, how they have dreams and value their education.  Despite the many challenges they face, they have resilient minds and spirits to continue not in bettering their futures, but in also coming back to help their community.

The constant feeling was joy.  Joy of the Lord and I am still smiling ear to ear from remembering my time in Kahuria. 

I truly feel that Kahuria is God’s ultimate hype/hospitality/love team.  And as a person who works in ministry, I have returned with a refreshed soul ready for what is next!

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