Miss Alice’s Story

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”

1 Peter 4:10

Miss Alice is a widowed mother of three children having lost her husband in 2013. Alice has a gift of being a seamstress. But the only place Alice could use her gift was outside of a building in Karogoto township repairing clothes. During this time, Alice was struggling to provide for her family as she could only make an average of Kshs 10,000 ($100 USD) on a good month.

She enrolled in the Business Start-up Training class with great enthusiasm hoping it would transform her poor life for the better after attending a pre-training recruitment session commonly used for the selection of trainees.

Alice in her tailoring business.

Her life changed immediately after the BST training! She relocated her business to a strategic location where customers would easily see her. Alice also became very active going outside her shop to seek for outside knitting and sewing orders from schools, hospitals, and wedding occasions. This had an immediate effect on her income as her customer base increased leading to improved profits as she happily keeps informing us. Her garment making shop beams of satisfied customers mostly who regularly visit seeking her tailoring services.

Her current income has increased three-fold to between Kshs 30,000-50,000 ($300-$500 USD) on a good month especially during school opening times enabling her to educate her two grown girls who are in university and one boy in secondary school without much strain as previously experienced as well as provide other necessities in life for her family.

Alice in her new shop!

Her relationship with God has also grown immensely as she realized God rewards good effort. She is a worship leader at the Deliverance Church, Karogoto branch. This has essentially made her give more to the church compared to the old days.

Alice has found Dignity & knows her worth in Christ because of the gifts He has given her. Because of this amazing BST Program, Alice is able to use her gifts to help herself & her community while sharing God’s love!

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