“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” [Galatians 6:2]
There are often instances in 410 Bridge communities where an emergency medical condition is in desperate need of being addressed, and we are glad to walk alongside a community to help carry these burdens through the local church. The people of Ngaamba, Kenya have seen life changing transformation in their community in many ways, and we are grateful to play a part in all that is happening in partnership with our U.S. church partner. Read more about a couple of recent stories shared from our Kenya staff member, 410 Bridge Health Coordinator, Maggie Wanja, and ways that you too may be able to help…
Mercy Muthoki Muema is an 11 year old girl living in Ngaamba. She was born with breathing problems which have persisted since birth up to grade 5 in school. Last July, Mercy’s case was identified during a medical camp in Ngaamba, led with a U.S. team on a short term trip by The 410 Bridge partner, North Point Community Church.
Mercy’s condition seriously affected her education. She is a bright girl, yet the consistent absenteeism from school was affecting her academics. “Mercy is a good performer, but because of her illness, she dropped her grades in class and this made her need to repeat grade 5,” said her class teacher. Mercy also wants to be a teacher when she grows up.

Her mother had begun to give up and prayed to God for a divine intervention. She was ready for whatever God’s decision would be, even if it meant taking Mercy away from her. Mercy was referred to a sub county hospital where she was diagnosed with mild cardiomegaly. The doctors advised that the problem would be corrected through a heart surgery.

In January, with the help of the Church and The 410 Bridge, Mercy underwent a successful operation and is well! Mercy and her mother are so grateful and joyful and can only praise God for His mercies and grace. Mercy’s fellow classmates were also praying for her.

This intervention was primarily due to the financial constraints of the parents and the community, and has been an opportunity for the Church to help carry the burden.
To God be the glory – GREAT things He has done! Amen.
We believe one of the most powerful ways the world can see the light of Jesus is through helping carry the burdens of sick people in desperate need. We recently learned of another emergency medical need in Ngaamba, and wanted to invite anyone reading this to help Ezekiel…
Ezekiel is a 51 year old man from Ngaamba north community. He is married to one wife and blessed with nine children. He has had a swelling near the right ear since 2011, and the swelling is worsening as days go by. The swelling is painful and affecting his ability to eat. As you can see, it has also deformed his face.

Ezekiel has visited various hospitals to seek medical assistance and has exhausted all of his savings. During these visits, several tests have been done to help in making his diagnosis. For example, an ultra sound scan was done on his right parotid gland which showed a right parotid tumor. He was advised to go for a parotidectomy, but has not gone because of financial constraints.
Last July, Ezekiel was seen at the medical clinic where a GlobalX medical team from North Point Community Church recommended him for referral so that his condition can be treated before it is too late. The medical team identified him as a special need case, meaning emergency assistance is required since this was his second time to be seen by the team.
Ezekiel is a farmer and has exhausted all of the family’s financial resources to pay for his medications and clinic visits up to this point. Several fundraisers have been held through their local church to assist with the funding needed. To date, the total cost to fill this special need and treatment is US$3,300.
We believe the Church is capable of helping fill this need, and are led to simply ask – would you please consider giving?
CLICK HERE TO GIVE to help fund Ezekiel’s surgery costs.
You may designate your gift in the notes field of your donation. We are grateful for your generosity!