Incredible strides forward for Chembulet Community

In late 2019, our 410 Bridge Kenya office implemented a Foundations for Farming course in Chembulet community. First starting with a demo plot, teaching the community members a healthier way to farm, then waiting and praying. Our staff took a trip out to the community to check in on the progress of each farmers plot and below is the update we received:

“We are excited by the progress of the demonstration farm at Chembulet. Most crops are almost maturing with the exception of maize which will take another two months. Cabbages are doing very well at the demo farm and any passerbys near the demo farm are excited by the size of the head of the crop. In my illustration to the trainees present, I uprooted one Irish potato plant and we counted the tubers on the very plant. We found out that one tuber planted produced 14. This means that if you planted one bucket of the potatoes your harvest is 14 times what you planted. It reminded me of Mathew 13:8. We visited over 28 farmers trained on the concepts and many of them have already started implementing the concepts even outside their main planting season.”

This program is impacting over 286 community members in Chembulet! Below are some success stories from the community.

Gogo Salome

“Gogo is a beneficiary of the Foundations for Farming training in Chembulet. She has started implementing the concepts and skills acquired in class at her farm. Something that caught our eyes was the fact that she has managed to save and now operates her own shop around her home. She attributes all these to the knowledge she acquired in the F4F class in September 2019.”

Gogo at the entrance of her shop

Mrs. Emmy

“We also visited Mrs. Emmy at her home in Soin Village, whereby we were encouraged by the way she has started to implement what she learned. She has transplanted over 700 kales in her farm. When she starts harvesting the kales, she will be making about KShs. 2,000/= ($20 USD) per week. During the planting season, she did not have enough money to purchase maize seeds for her entire farm and therefore some space was left unplanted. After the training she utilized the space by planting Irish potatoes which have started maturing. The first portion planted is currently being harvested and she anticipates getting KShs. 6,000/= ($60 USD). The other portion will mature in a months’ time and will fetch almost an equivalent amount because they are equal portions. She says that her farm will never be fallow again and it will always be productive in and out of season.”

Mrs. Emmy with her Irish Potatoes

Thank you to everyone who supports our Foundations for Farming program and Chembulet Community. These incredible things wouldn’t be possible without your generous support.

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