Green House Farming Flourishing in Mivukoni

The Greenhouse Farming activity is an income-generating activity for Mivukoni Primary School to ensure that the school sustains education programs using the funds generated from the crops sold. After sustaining some damage due to wind, the greenhouse has been replanted with the tomato plants, kale, and spinach. Each of the crops of doing very well.

The community and school parents are supportive and excited to participate when invited to attend farming activities that require the attention of many people. 376 students are being impacted by this activity and we also expect that approximately 150 parents will be impacted by the end of the activity.

Mr. Kiseve, the Mivukoni Leadership Council Chairman, is one of the community members who was trained on the management of greenhouse crops. He has been able to guide the planting and crop management practices with little input from the 410 Bridge Agronomist. He has been transformed by the training he received and thus this is impacting other community members as he continues to guide them.

Thank you to everyone who partners with and supports the community of Mivukoni! Your generosity is creating lasting change.

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