Fond Baptiste is a community in the St. Marc region of Haiti that was desperate for water with an estimated 500 households and 4,000 people living in the area. The remote village sat high up on a mountain, and traversing the roads to reach the people was extremely dangerous. Because of that, we were unable to send teams there…YET, there is a victory 7 years later!
With the help of our partner, Water Mission International (WMI), and the hard work and motivation of the people of Fond Baptist, the community now has running water!

In July 2019, our friends at Water Mission lost a cherished leader, friend, and Co-founder of WMI, Molly Greene. Molly exhibited perseverance and determination on a daily basis and the funds that were donated in order to finish this project were given in honor of Molly. This safe water project in Fond Baptiste and the members of the community exhibit perseverance and determination just like Molly always did.

We are so grateful for our friends at WMI, for Molly’s life and legacy, and for God’s goodness in bringing this project to completion for the people of Fond Baptiste.
Thank you to everyone who prays for and generously supports The 410 Bridge!