Dejeans Community Update

This update comes straight from our staff in Haiti.

Project / Programs Currently Running:

  • Sponsorship program
  • Savings Group
  • Training on sustainable development
  • Build program
  • Pisciculture project

Latest update for the community as a whole: 

1) Sponsorship program is always one of the programs which is working to prepare children for the future. 18 kids have been sponsored in the community and the population enjoys this program.  

2) Savings Group  is still growing very well in the community as it works in other communities. Many people have begun to get access to the loans to make informal business to take care of their families and solve other problems. In that community there are 26 saving and credit groups from different churches of the community. More than 25 people have received loans from the saving and credit groups to started informal businesses. 

3) Training on sustainable development has been made for the LC to help them understand their role as leaders in the community.  

5) Bild program has been launched in that community for pastors to be trained.

6Pisciculture project has been implemented. In that community, the farmers use the spring water to irrigate the land, so they realize this water can be use on the other things as well, this is the reason why they focus on raising fish  that can help the community to grow economically. 

There’s a very serious itchiness epidemic that is still disturbing the community. The LCs said that this allergy is coming from the water they are using.

Biggest challenge community is facing if any? 

  • The biggest challenges the community of Dejeance is facing with is a lack of drinkable water. People from this community don’t have access to treat water and then that is the cause of the kids sickness.

Story of a beneficiary with quote: 

  • Mrs Bethany Fleurantin is the mother of 5 kids. She lives in the community with her family. Her husband is a farmer and Bethany had a micro business selling retail foods. The business went down because of the drought in 2018 and her husband didn’t produce anything for the entire year. She praises the Lord for His mercy and thanks The 410 Bridge and Hope international for the Savings Program they came up with, through this program she has access to get a loan from the groups members. 
  • Bethany says: “The ministry of savings and credit is a liberator for the community.” She has received a loan of 75,000 gourdes from the program, she used that money to rebuild her micro business and used the benefit to pay the money school for her kids and finally rebuild the roof of her house.

How can we be praying for the community? 

  •  Pray for that community for the construction of a good school to have better education 
  • Pray for better health access for the population and sustainable social-economic development. 

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