In the past few months, the pastors of Kiria have been holding prayer meetings and discovering new ways to reach more of their community. They have put a lot of focus and effort on open-air evangelism events this summer.

The storage tank, started in late June, is in the roofing stage. The community has plastered the inside of the tank and predicts its completion in 2 weeks time. The expansion of the water pipes from the water source to the tank began in July with the assistance of the US team from New Hope Church.
The teachers’ staffroom construction will begin in the upcoming weeks. The staff room will have the teachers’ break room, the Head Teacher’s office, the Deputy Head Teacher’s office and a bookstore.
Sadly, the community lost 2 community members in July. A 94-year old gentleman who was an adviser to the Leadership Council and a member of the AIPCA Church, and Mr. Kagai, a teacher at Kiria Primary School. Mr. Kagai’s passing was very unexpected. Please pray for the families of the lost loved ones and the community as a whole as they grieve and heal.