Soin Primary School in Chembulet recently received text books for their students in Class 8. Previously, the ratio of textbooks to students was 1:10 and those textbooks were in very poor shape with several pages missing.
The parents who were just as equally as excited as the students came in to receive the books and gave thanks for God’s provision. These parents contributed money to buy protective covers for the books and participated in covering each book together, with their students and the teachers.
There are 40 students currently in Class 8 at Soin Primary who will benefit from these books, which will also be available for use by the current Class 6 and Class 7 once they move on to Class 8. About 150 total students will benefit during this year and the next two years. Addressing the textbook to student ratio will allow these kids to have better access to books as they prepare for the KCPE exam at the end of Class 8. A measure of success of this activity will be improvement on the KCPE for Class 8 students moving forward.
Thank you to everyone who partners and supports Chembulet community, your love and generosity is greatly improving education at Soin Primary!