What are you ‘giving’ this Thanksgiving?

The Christmas List is a program based on Isaiah 1:17 that provides sustainable income-generating livestock for the most needy families as identified by the Leadership Councils in our 410 Bridge communities in Kenya and Haiti.  In these communities, parents often struggle to provide food for their families. By giving a gift of livestock to families in need this Christmas, you can help these parents become more self-sufficient, leading to healthier children who are more involved in school and their community.

By giving the gift of a barn full of animals, your gift will purchase eight farm animals that can save families from hunger. With this truly life-changing gift of two pigs, two sheep, two goats, and two chickens, you will be a part of providing plenty of protein and vital nutrition, including milk, eggs, meat, and more, for years to come. As the animals multiply, families can sell extra food for additional family income.

Visit http://410bridge.gostorego.com/ to learn more!

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