Villa Linda
About Villa Linda
Villa Linda means “Beautiful Village” or “Cute Village”. The community is near a very tall mountain.
The people of Villa Linda are always ready to serve and help others and each other. They are known for their farming of produce such as peaches and apples.
Most of the communities’ income also comes from coffee and banana plantations.
Villa Linda has partnered with 410 Bridge since 2018.

Their Community Goals
- Education Supplies and Training to Help Their Children
- Continued Leadership Council Training on How To Best Serve Their People
- Children’s Bible Camp for Continued Spiritual Development
- Savings Group Expansion Efforts
Where is Villa Linda located?
The village of Villa Linda in the municipality of Unión Cantinil, department of Huehuetenango located in the western highlands of Guatemala.
Sponsor the Community of Villa Linda
When you sponsor the Villa Linda community through 410 Bridge, you support programs and projects that allow the people to fix their own unique set of barriers. Every chance we get, we want to empower and lift up people to recognize that God has given them giftings and skills to move their communities forward to a better and more self-sustaining place.
Sponsoring the Villa Linda community, whether for $18, $23, $35, or more a month, allows for this to happen.