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About Kahuria

Kahuria is a Kikuyu name meaning Rhinos. The area was named for Rhinos that were coming from the forest to get water from a seasonal river there before people settled in the community.

The community is located in the Nyandarua County, a northern Kinengop Sub-County.

It is an agricultural area that borders the Aberdare Ranges, with primary crop being potatoes. It is also known for producing dairy cows.

Kahuria has partnered with 410 Bridge since 2015. Their major languages are Kikuyu, Swahili, and English.

Their Community Goals

  • Education Supplies and Training to Help Their Children
  • Foundations for Farming Program
  • Continued Leadership Council Training on How To Best Serve Their People
  • Savings Group Expansion
  • Fruit Tree Project
  • Secondary School Mentorship
  • Living Seed Program Expansion
  • Pastoral Training Program
  • Business Start-Up Training Program

Where is Kahuria located?

Found in Nyandarua County, Central Region

Sponsor the Community of Kahuria

When you sponsor the Kahuria community through 410 Bridge, you support programs and projects that allow the people to fix their own unique set of barriers. Every chance we get, we want to empower and lift up people to recognize that God has given them giftings and skills to move their communities forward to a better and more self-sustaining place.

Sponsoring the Kahuria community, whether for $18, $23, $35, or more a month, allows for this to happen.

Stories from Kahuria

Why Come on a Mission Trip to Kenya?  

A mission trip is not just a one-week experience to check a box. An intentional mission trip that is outcome-driven provides an opportunity to bring out Philippians 2:2-11 for the restoration of dignity and fulfilling purpose so that people can walk in freedom. 

A mission trip, The 410 Way, is a catalyst that can propel us into action by changing our perspective of how we view the world, how we view our  world.

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My Journey to Kahuria

I’ve always asked “Why is Kenya so different?”  “What makes it so special?” 

Being a part of a Global Missions team, I have had the opportunity to help send teams to Kenya but never experience it myself.  The teams always came back bonded and something was different.

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One Day At Church

One day at church I felt a calling or a nudge that God wanted me to serve in a different way. I looked through my church’s opportunities and as soon as I saw Kenya I felt a wash of joy flood over me. I applied that day and was overjoyed to hear shortly back that I had been accepted to go. Our church gave us the book “If You Really Want To Help” and from there I fell in love with what 410 was doing for the people of Kenya, especially after reading the story of Chris in Kahuria.

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