The First COW: Update on the Kwambekenya Cow Co-Op

We recently received this report from Muchai, our Kwambekenya Community Representative, regarding the Women’s Cow Co-Op in Kwambekenya. For all those involved, it has been extremely exciting to see the women coordinate and collaborate to build their own micro-enterprise with great planning and wisdom. We are very excited to see this project take off!

per Muchai: “The fodder is ready. The first cow has been delivered to the project and is already being milked! The rest of the animals are being identified and within this month they should all be in the project. The women are excited with the prospect of being able to earn an income on their dream project. The construction of the sheds is in the final stages with doors to the sheds being fixed. The Leadership Development officer visited them in the month and shared briefly on the need to consult amongst themselves as they forge ahead.”

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