Spiritual Development in Kandaria


I got a cool message a week or so ago about the community of Kandaria.  The Leadership Council (LC) in Kandaria had prioritized spiritual development in the community as their number one priority in the community.  The most exciting thing is that the LC has already mobilized local church leaders and pastors to address this priority.

Check out what they have done and are doing…

–    Formed spiritual leaders forum
–    Enlisted involvement of 18 local churches
–    Secured an office for the leaders forum
–    Pastoral discipleship and training
–    Community Outreach and Evangelism programs
–    Bible Study Groups
–    Church/Community mobilization on service projects

The coolest thing about it is that they are doing it without us.  They have taken the initiative and responsibility to address the spiritual needs in their community and are inviting us to be part of it.  The reality is that they are doing it with or without us, but we have the opportunity to be involved.  Communities continue to be transformed as leaders and community members embrace and apply 1 Peter 4:10.

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace. – 1 Peter 4:10


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