Sharing Our Gifts: Whatever the Cost

Here at 410 Bridge we are all about service. Our organization was founded on the principles found in 1 Peter 4:10. Peter tells us “To use the gifts we have been given to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” We are very privileged to get to watch thousands of people answer Peter’s call each year. We get to see people make incredible sacrifices for the sake of serving others. Many of these people go unnoticed, their service is rarely recognized, and yet they press on.

Today we want to take a pause to honor one of our own staff, who at great cost to his personal dignity and manliness answered the call to serve. So… John Flores we salute you. You traded in your blue jeans, golf shirt, and snazzy shoes for a pair of yellow tights, a green jacket, and some really pointed shoes all for the sake of serving others.

Thanks for doing what you do, no matter the cost!

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