Serve in Haiti with The 410 Bridge.

Thank you for your prayers, love, and support for Haiti in the aftermath and devastation of Hurricane Matthew. Because of your generosity, we’ve been able to respond quickly.

We’re ready to start mobilizing relief teams for cleanup, construction, counseling, grief ministry, and medical needs. Our southern coastline communities have been hit hard, and our need for teams immediately through early 2017 is great.

Communities in the south have suffered extensive damage. You’ll have the opportunity to help address people’s physical and spiritual needs in the midst of the devastation.

Cleanup and construction teams will have the opportunity to work alongside hurting people as they clear plots of land and prepare to rebuild their houses. Medical teams will address a variety of issues following the storm, for example, setting broken bones, tending to wounds, and referring patients to nearby cholera clinics. Our Haitian staff also requested team members willing to offer emotional and spiritual ministry to people grieving and suffering from PTSD symptoms.

If your church or organization is interested in putting together a group of 8-10 seasoned team members, please email We’re excited to talk about how your team could serve and make a big difference in our communities in southern Haiti.

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