Sengenoi in the News!

Last week a local news station in West Tennessee found out about Sengenoi and wanted to do a story on her. Check out the video below to see the clip that aired on Channel 7 News:

If you have not yet heard of Sengenoi, she is one of the sweetest little girls you’ll ever meet. Every time you see her, she is grinning and smiling and playing. After hearing her story, you would wonder how she manages to keep that smile on her face.

Sengenoi is a 9 year old orphan. As if that weren’t enough, she has been dealing with a severe foot wound for the past 2 years. She walked over an hour one day in the summer of 2007 to come to the Segera medical clinic to get the wound checked out. She had stepped on a poisonous thorn and the wound went untreated, so the wound got infected and started to eat away at her flesh. Because clean dressings were needed to be provided for her daily, the Segera Mission decided to take her in so that she could live on the property and get treatment and receive an education at the school at Segera. The Segera staff had been treating the wound with medicine and providing her with oral medications. In addition, she had 4 surgeries in efforts to treat the infection, but unfortunately the condition continuted to persist. Chunks of necrotic bone and soft tissue had been removed from the foot during the operations and metal wiring and rods were recently inserted to help with the structure of the foot and ankle. Also, the ankle had become severely inverted due to the length of time the condition has lasted. Another major concern was the swelling that was present in her entire lower leg from the infection.

A woman named Lori Brown has been working very hard to raise money to get all the paperwork in place in order to bring Sengenoi to the States to provide intensive treatment with a team of physicians, wound care specialists and physical therapists. All that hard work paid off because Sengenoi arrived in the states at the end of September. Sengenoi has since had surgery on her foot. The doctors were able to save her leg/foot from amputation. She is in recovery mode and of course, still has that beautiful smile on her face! To donate to Sengenoi’s continuing treatment and to get updates on Sengenoi’s progress, join the Facebook cause :: Treatment for Sengenoi ::

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