New Desks for a bigger Mekaro Primary School!

We are excited to share a big win for Kahuria Community! A brand new classroom block was recently finished which not only created more conducive learning space for students but is also creating an opportunity for students to space out and to adhere to the Kenyan Governments social distancing guidelines while they learn.

Because of some really incredible partners and donors, we were able to distribute 180 new desks to the students at Mekaro Primary School. We are so grateful for all of you who sacrificially give to Kahuria Community. After experiencing such a difficult year for education in Kenya, these desks will do more than just provide a student with a seat to learn at but with a renewed excitement to continue towards greater education.

Will you pray with us as our Class 8 students are approaching their Kenya Certificate of Primary Education Exam. This is a huge deal in a Kenyan student’s life and determines where their education will go beyond primary school. Once again, thank you to everyone who has made these desks a possibility for Mekaro Primary and Kahuria as a whole. We are so grateful.

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