Making More than a Difference

Do you want your life to make a difference?  Without even knowing you, I feel fairly confident that the answer to that question is a resounding… “Yes”.

Is there anything unique about making a difference?  I mean, doesn’t just about everyone, even the most apathetic of people, make a difference in the world at some point and time in his/her life?

What if God is calling us to more than simply “make a difference”?  If you think about the great hero’s of the faith, people like Nehemiah, Joseph, Esther, and Paul, they made more than a difference… they made history.

History as we know it today has largely been shaped by the acts of obedience, and demonstrations of faith, of a few men and women who have gone before us.

These heroes were unique; they stand out from the masses.  Not because they were unusually gifted, absurdly intelligent, or possessed some super human mojo.

The reason they stand out… the reason they made history… is that they lived lives totally surrendered.  They demonstrated radical obedience, and had a selfless passion for their role in God’s redemptive story.

We believe God has called us to make more than a difference, and to a history making vision to REEDEEM NATIONS FOR HIS GLORY.

Over the past 5+ years God has been building a tribe of churches, organizations, and individuals to partner together to make history. As God continues to expand our boarders we look forward to experiencing our Savior use His people completely surrendered, through radical obedience to build His kingdom.


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