Kenya Update

The 410 Bridge is continuing to monitor the situation at Nairobi’s Westgate Mall in Kenya.  Our Kenyan staff are keeping us up to date, multiple times each day, with new information.  Western media sources are now confirming that the crisis is over.  We are continuing to pray for the people affected by this tragedy.

The situation on the ground is such that The 410 Bridge will continue normal operations in Kenya.  The incident at Westgate Mall is isolated and will not impact service teams or 410 Bridge operations.   We have trips scheduled to serve in Kenya over the next several weeks, and we continue to take all precautions to ensure their safety.  The reality is that our communities are in rural Kenya, a long distance from Nairobi, and the hotels where teams reside are low-profile, secure facilities.
We will continue to monitor the situation prudently.  At this time we look forward to continuing to serve the people of Kenya.
Once again, we covet your prayers for our friends in Kenya.
The 410 Bridge

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