Kenya Community Service Day 

Our 410 Bridge team in Kenya held their first-ever Community Service Day on April 8th in the community of Tumutumu. This was a special time for the 410 Bridge staff to give back to the community, bond with the local Leadership Council, and create lasting relationships with the community members.  

The 410 Bridge team first distributed and helped plant avocado seedlings to over 1,200 households in the community. They encourage the community to plant more avocado fruit as it is gaining popularity not only locally but also for export. This is an exciting opportunity for these families!

The team also planted seedlings at Tumutumu Primary School, a 410 Bridge Foundations for Farming Training demonstration farm, and a community church. Next, the team joined community members in dedicating Mzee Kabinga’s new house. The Tumutumu Church Leaders Fellowship had been assisting him with meeting some of his basic needs and now, through 410 Bridge, built him a new house since his old house was in such disrepair. This was a big blessing to the respected 80-year-old man who still farms in the community.  

Please join us in continuing to pray for the community of Tumutumu as well as our amazing 410 Bridge staff in Kenya! Their passion for the Lord and their country of Kenya is to be admired.  

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