You Can Help


We get a lot of people asking us how they can get involved in the work that God is doing through The 410 Bridge.  Our desire is to provide as many people as feel compelled  and/or called to serve an opportunity to plug in.

With that said, we are also very aware of the harm that can be done through just giving stuff away, saturating an area with service teams, or doing for others what they should be doing for themselves.  Many times well intentioned actions can do far more harm than good.  As an organization we have set pretty strict boundaries to make sure that we are truly helping the people we serve.  Our goal is to ensure the work that is done is owned, driven and sustained by the community and local leadership.

We want to provide an outlet for people to give and invest in a healthy way… So, we have created what we call…

Special Needs (catchy I know)

Special needs are individual needs, prioritized by the the leadership council in the specific community.  These are truly the most needy desperate cases in the community.  Often times the needs are medical in nature or have to do with helping in the area of basic needs.  Each need is identified, prioritized, and fulfilled by the leadership council all we do is help find funding.  This process not only helps meet some of the needs within the community, but also helps to build trust between the Leadership Council and the Community.

If you are interested in helping with a special need, they are listed by community in the links below.


Click the following links to review special needs for each community: (If the community you are looking for is not listed stay tuned, more special needs will be posted soon.)






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