Heather’s Story

Read some highlights from Heather’s recent trip to Ndibai, Kenya! Spoiler alert: these sponsorship stories will steal your heart.
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Where do I begin? This was my first mission trip with 410 Bridge AND to Africa. I really believe the Lord placed the desire in my heart to go to Africa about 5 years ago, and this June my dream came true! Our group was large – 35 people total – but we became such a tight-knit group. Our leaders, both from the US and Kenya were amazing. I can’t even put into words how I felt when our bus first pulled up at Ndibai Primary School for our Welcoming Ceremony. Kids RAN towards the bus, anxious to touch us and see our faces. Upon stepping off the bus, we were all enveloped in warm, strong Kenyan hugs. The Spiritual Leaders and Leadership Council ushered us to seats under a covered tent. I truly felt like undeserving royalty. From this moment on, I knew our trip would be incredible.

I had the pleasure of sponsoring a child before the trip, so I had the opportunity to meet him. I was blown away by Kate, our 410 Bridge Kenyan leader. She ensured every single sponsored child was at Ndibai Primary to greet us. I was able to meet my child’s family and love on them. When we headed to the buses, a flock of children still followed us. One child in particular latched onto me, without saying a word. We had this sort of unspoken bond, and were able to connect almost every day during our trip. She’s now my second sponsor child 🙂 The home visits were both lighthearted and heavy. We had the chance to make chipati and see where a group of Kenyans lived, and heard their stories. This community is full of strong women!

We wrapped up the week with a prayer walk through the community. This is where one my favorite stories takes place. Not good news for their crops and livelihood. We were told that Ndibai hadn’t received rain in about a month. We prayed each day for rain, along with blessing on the community as a whole, but still no rain. After we left the community on Thursday night, we received word on Friday that Ndibai GOT RAIN! It was an answer to prayer…an immediate one! It wasn’t a light rain either – it poured. It still gives me goosebumps to have yet another glimpse into God’s faithfulness.







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