Exciting Wins in the Rancho Viejo Community

We are excited to share some recent updates from the Rancho Viejo community. As a country, Guatemala has been locked down since March of 2020. The country is beginning to open slowly and we are evaluating the best way to move forward in each community.

Over the last few months, there were a few projects that were able to take place across the Rancho Viejo community. With the help of our partner, Thrive, a water filter distribution took place that has impacted hundreds of households. With the support of partner churches, a construction project was completed for a vulnerable family. With the generosity of our partners, renovations were made on the community health clinic.

We are humbled for the support that has been shown for the people of Rancho Viejo. The community is encouraged by the progress that has been made in the last few weeks. Although community members have experienced much hardship over the last year, they are encouraged by the work that is continuing to be done.

Our local leadership is helping to identify the needs in each Guatemala community. As we move forward, please pray for the people of Rancho Viejo as a plan is established for reopening. In addition, pray for safety in the community throughout the rainy season. In the meantime, check out the photos from the recent happenings!

Construction of Health Clinic
Home Project for Vulnerable Family

Thank you for your continual prayer and support!

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