Community Spotlight Wednesday Maliarette, Haiti

September was an AMAZING month for Maliarette, Haiti!

Children retrieving clean water in Maliarette

The community’s water project is complete!! There is now safe water available in Maliarette! In addition to this incredible win, we are also celebrating another win for the community doing for themselves… during the construction of the water project, a problem arose for additional wiring in order to progress. In 2 weeks time, the community members had raised and collected all of the funding needed and purchased the additional needed materials.

The Leadership Council also initiated the construction of a new school in the community! They were inspired when they heard of another 410 Bridge community, Chadirac, building a school on their own. The first day of school was very exciting for Maliarette; there were 50 students in attendance, plus the Leadership Council and the parents of all the students in attendance.

Both of these accomplishments in Maliarette are huge wins for The 410 Bridge! The Leadership Council and community members are learning what they can do for themselves and not waiting for The 410 Bridge.

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