Bibles in Segera!

This summer, Newspring Church took on a huge goal: to provide bibles for every family in the community of Segera where they partner. It was an ambitious goal: over 4000 Bibles in a multitude of languages. Segera is one of the most diverse communities where 410 Bridge serves, and so the variety of tribal translations would have to be many.

Believe it or not, THEY DID IT!

This summer, 400 bibles were handed out to local families. The remainder (3600!) have been left with local churches to distribute among their church members and to those who they visit. This means that not only will the families of Segera be able to read the Bible in their own mother tongue, but the local churches will be able to visit, pray with, read scripture to and encourage non-churched families with the gospel!

The 410 Bridge would love to accomplish this same thing in every community where we work. We are so thankful to be a part of what God is doing in Kenya and through churches like NewSpring.



Oct 31st 2011

OOPS! A point of clarification here…

In our haste to share our excitement, we combined some of our efforts in other 410 Communities with what happened in Segera.

Just to be clear, 2,670 bibles were distributed to families and children in the Segera area. 600 children’s bibles and about 2,000 adult bibles in four languages.

The 4,000 figure included other 410 Bridge communities throughout Kenya.

Sorry for the confusion, but a major impact on the Kingdom nonetheless.

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